Yvette #yc1love

I find it inspirational when a 60+er finds ‘their thing’ that causes them to shine and shows what they are still capable of. Better yet, I love it when they take me along on their journey through their phone calls, texts, and emails.   My 60+ tribe shares their activities, achievements and sends photographs of their ventures.  They share a multitude of things like, finally slowing down and reading through that book list, heading out in campers, jigsaw puzzles completed, day trips, sports, new skills learned, new hobbies, and businesses begun.  This is a sure sign of life being embraced and lived to the fullest no matter what!  I am moved and motivated by them all, but particularly inspired by my sisters; older Sister Cheryl the orator/writer, younger sister Yvette the nurturer/designer, and baby sis Eileen the Nurse/creative.

It is a pleasure seeing my sister Yvette hit a new stride in her 60’s.  Married to devoted hubby Jim, they have three adult children, Kimwana (who left us much too soon); DJ, and Dorena; 6 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren.  If you need a meal, pep talk, or safe haven you will always find it at Yvette and Jim’s house. 

Yvette Curcio #yc1love

Yvette Curcio #yc1love

As a youngster, Yvette was a beauty and could easily have been a model, but she chose to join the police force. Eventually, Yvette and Jim put their lives on hold.  They were called to be caretakers to a family member while raising their own family. Years later, when the opportunity arose, Yvette and Jim moved to Kuwait to serve our country through employment supporting our troops. Now stateside, they serve faithfully at their church and in the community.  Their home is once again the place to be for a meal,  pep talk, family gathering, or to chill.

Though retired, Yvette did not slow down and tried numerous side hustles.  First, she made sure all her ducks were in a row.  Hubby Jim, an IT professional was busy with his bowling league the ‘Wolfpack.’  Children and grandchildren situated, then she set her sights on her next act.  She sold products on eBay, sold prepared meals, did hair, had yard sales, made and sold jewelry, and vended numerous items. The work was not always rewarding and interfered with her and Jim’s impromptu trips. A huge shift happened when baby sister Eileen introduced us to the world of vinyl design and T-shirt vending.  It was not for Cheryl and me, but for Yvette it was perfect.  She found her passion!  Yvette invested in herself, learning the craft and purchasing equipment.  Jim set up her studio and her business was born. YC1Love featuring quality customized vinyl apparel designs.   Yvette sends me pictures of her new designs, slogans, and products. If a client has an idea, she asks questions and to their delight produces exactly what was in their mind, or better.  I am amazed at her creativity and tenacity.

Yvette’s client base has grown from family members to local businesses and strangers who see her designs on the street.  Our niece Dawn is VP of Black Gold Club DE an organization dedicated to female owned businesses.   Yvette readily joined and now is the go-to designer for many of the members. She began making products for young new business owner Theo @ RawHustleApparel.com and has proudly watched his business grow.  She designed fundraising products for her church First State Church of Christ and just welcomed her newest client YouthAngelScholars.com, a non-profit formed by Kelley and Will Everett, dedicated to mentoring and youth transformation.  They were also featured on the Steve Harvey talk show.

Yvette gives her customers what they want and has a fast turn-around time. She has brought on a sales associate, childhood friend, the extraordinary Mary Turner.  Yvette says, “I really enjoy what I do.  At times I can’t sleep because I’m thinking about new designs.  I get ideas everywhere I look even at a restaurant by the way a fork and spoon is sitting on the table.”  Yvette says that she encourages young people to tap into their own creativity and learn to make and wear their own designs instead of someone else’s. She even invites them over to learn the basics using her equipment.  She remembers our dad always saying, “No one should be broke because there is always an honest way to make a living.” This is what Yvette passes on to others.  (Feel free to contact Yvette at yc1love@outlook.com)

As we age, growing into our next act and realizing new dreams and aspirations is a reward beyond measure.   We inspire others to do the same when we do what we do and take them along for the ride. 

Keep on Keeping on!


Photos provided by YCurcio


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