Done Digging

(Part 3 of: Keep Digging #1, published 7/10/22 and Still Digging #2, published 8/28/22.)

Several people have asked me how my digging has been going.  Some inquiring minds wanted to know if I had found any treasure.  When I left off, I was telling you about finding what I believed to be a filled in well or fire pit in our front yard.  I dug out the dirt and uncovered a grate at the bottom of the pit.  At that point I stopped digging and got professional opinion on how to proceed.  It turns out I had uncovered an old storm drainage system.    Darrel carefully covered the openings with new pieces of metal, and I filled the dirt back in.  I rearranged the large rocks and ended with a nice rock garden.  I am researching plants and plan to turn it into a butterfly sanctuary in the spring.  

Coincidentally, the other day I saw three men poking around in my neighbor’s yard.  They went across the street to the creek looked around and came back into the yard.  They were checking the area just a few feet from our property line and where I had been digging.  Over the years, that particular area in my neighbor’s yard had become a path that storm water travelled down and ran off into the creek.  I asked the men what they were doing. They were checking to be sure the storm water that ran down did not contain chemicals or other contaminants.   New homes are being built on the block behind us and it left me wondering if there could be some type of environmental issue going on back there. I will explore this further.

As for finding treasure, I will admit that I have not come across the chest full of pirate’s gold yet.   If you want to know what valuables I did find, my lips are sealed. 

Completing this project was a major accomplishment for me.  Chilly weather is now upon us, and my shovels have been put away.   To learn more about our property, I have turned my attention to searching through historical records on the computer.  I was curious about a concrete slab in the back yard.  I wondered if it once served as the foundation for a small building.  I purchased aerial views taken over our house in 1937 and in 1950.  On it we can see what seems to be small structures behind and on the side of the house.   Of course, now I want to dig around the slab and see what will be revealed.  I have already penciled that in on my calendar as the perfect summer 2023 Archaeology Adventure.   As you can see, I am not done digging after all.  Y’all know me by now, did you really think that I would stop?

Love the life you live,

Amanda ❤

(Photo by Mike B:




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